5 Reasons to visit the Wellness Center this semester!

~ By Jake Locorotondo

Finals are coming!

It’s that special, crazy, hectic time of year again. You’re rushing around catching up on school work while simultaneously juggling a part-time job, or even raising a child! Whatever is occupying your time, remember, everything is going to be okay. The WCSU Wellness Center has you covered! If you have never visited the suite, you can find it on the Midtown Campus in room 119 Berkshire Hall.


Monday and Wednesday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Thursday                                2:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Or by appointment – contact autoric@wcsu.edu

1. You can take a breather.




While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also equally important to manage your stress in a healthy way. If you are ever looking for a safe, quiet, and inspiring  area then look no further! The Wellness Suite offers a relaxing atmosphere for you to kick back and unwind in-between your daily responsibilities. Whether you’d like to meet with a small group for a workshop, or to simply sit in quiet meditation, the Wellness Center welcomes all students and staff to make themselves at home. You’ll find a Himalayan salt lamp in our common area to help calm your nerves, improve your breathing, and release more serotonin into your wonderful brain!

  1. You can help yourself to free tea!

Do you need to warm up with some ginger tea? Perhaps you’d like to relax with a cup of chamomile? Whatever your preference is, the Wellness Center welcomes you to enjoy a complimentary cup of tea with your next visit. Sipping on a warm cup of tea is a great way to unwind in the midst of a stressful schedule while also supporting your health. Green and herbal teas provide a number of benefits including reducing inflammation, promoting relaxation, or helping you focus on your studies. If you need a boost of energy, and you’re craving coffee, you might want to consider. Tea contains far less caffeine than coffee which can help ease the stress on your adrenal glands while also regulating your sleep schedule. While you’re enjoying a delightful herbal tea we encourage you to explore the bookshelf for an interesting read!

  1. You can practice Chocolate Meditation!

Mindfully eating dark chocolate is a heart-warming and sensuous experience that can induce states of deep relaxation. Students and staff are encouraged to participate in a chocolate meditation to experience it for yourself! It is quite simple! You would take your sweet time unwrapping and tasting a small piece of chocolate noticing each and every sensation you experience. By slowing down and being mindful while we eat, we can immerse ourselves in the experience of food and all the exciting and healing pleasures of cacao! Your mindfully delicious treat is incredibly high in antioxidants and magnesium for a healthy mind, and potent physical stamina!

  1. You can schedule a Reiki Healing Treatment!

 Reiki is an internationally praised massage technique originating from Ancient Japan.  Here at WestConn we offer a course in Reiki (levels 1 & 2) which gives students a chance to earn a certification and practice reiki in our three treatment rooms. Anyone and everyone is welcome to explore this beautiful and sacred healing modality! Would you like to reduce stress? This time of year is especially crucial for managing mental health, and perhaps energy healing is the right path for you!  Contact autoric@wcsu.edu   for an appointment

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