Learning about Chakras with The Avatar!

Image result for avatar chakras

What are the chakras?

 Our seven chakras are the energy centers of the body. Each chakra collects and transmits energy throughout the body. Metaphysical (subtle) and Biophysical (concrete) energy is being transported to and from each chakra. A holistic view of chakras emphasizes the fact that the body is interconnected. When one chakra is thrown off balance, the rest of the body will not be properly aligned.

In the following clip from the Nickelodeon  television show, Avatar, The Last Airbender, the main character is instructed to become aware of all seven chakras, one at a time, starting from the bottom.

The Avatar’s guru explains that he must find balance within himself before he can bring balance to the world!

(Please note, the names of the chakras have been changed to suit the audience)


The first chakra is associated with survival. The Avatar’s first task is to become aware of what he fears the most. In order to fully open the root, The Avatar must surrender to his fears.


The second chakra is associated with pleasure, and is blocked by guilt. The Avatar meditates on guilt, and becomes aware of all that he feels blame for. In order to move onward, The Avatar must forgive himself for past mistakes in order to maintain a positive attitude.

Solar Plexus

The third chakra is associated with willpower, and, similar to the Sacral, is blocked by shame. The Avatar meditates on his disappointments and accepts himself for all his flaws and strengths.


The fourth chakra is associated with love and is blocked by grief. The Avatar reflects on his loss and sadness. His guru reminds him that while we may no longer be with your loved ones, we must remember, love is an infinite source of energy that is constantly re-born in new forms.


The fifth chakra is associated with truth and is blocked by lies. The Avatar must release all denial in order to speak the whole truth.

Third Eye

The sixth chakra is associated with insight and is blocked by illusion. The Avatar must understand the insight of interconnectedness. Everything is connected. Each element on Earth works together holistically.


The seventh chakra is associated with cosmic energy, or a spiritual connection, and is blocked by earthly attachments.  The Avatar learns to let go of his emotional bonds in order to allow his “higher self” to fully blossom.

Image result for avatar the last airbender

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